Ruth Kadiri Net worth 2021
Ruth Kadiri is a Nigerian actress, film producer and also a screen writer, she is among the notable celebrities in the Nollywood industry. Ruth Kadiri net worth in 2021 Is estimated at round $181,000 (N72 million) also she once bag an endorsement deals with a betting company called “Betty Bingo” according to an internal source it was reported that she was given the sum of $4,500 for the contract
Also Ruth Kadiri can be counted among the oldest actresses in Nigeria, the lady has been acting Nigerian films since 2009, and there is no doubt that Ruth Kadiri has achieved a lot in her entertainment career.
She was once awarded as the actress of the year by Nigerian entertainment award in 2015. Her life is an entire success. There are a lot of query regarding Ruth Kadiri net worth most people want to know how much did she makes exactly from the movies she has been acting.
Well when it comes to net worth we can’t include Ruth Kadiri among the richest actresses in the Nollywood industry and this is because she is way out of other actresses league.

In the blog post we are going to evaluate all of Ruth Kadiri earnings and we are going say her net worth. Let’s dive in
Net worth | $181,000 |
Source | Nollywood |
Ruth Kadiri Biography and Net worth
Before we start calculating Ruth Kadiri net worth, lets first take a look at her life and family, Ruth Kadiri have also kept her life private and no one nobody knows the reason behind that.
Ruth Kadiri was born and raised in the city of Benin state in Nigeria she was born on the 24 of march 1988 right now she is 33 years old.
Ruth Kadiri also has a standard education unlike some of the actresses in the Nollywood movies industry she graduated from university of Lagos and she studied mass communication.
According to her profile on Wikipedia it was reported that Ruth Kadiri has a husband, he goes by the name “Ezerika” and they have one child together.
Like said earlier we are going to evaluate all of Ruth Kadiri earnings and we are going to declare her net worth, so we are declaring net worth with prove.
So let’s dive into Ruth Kadiri net worth
Ruth Kadiri Nollywood payment
Sometimes it’s very hard to predict the net worth of many celebrities in Nigeria and this is because their means of making money is also hidden, compared to politicians and businessmen.
So the best way to determine Ruth Kadiri net worth is to sum up all of the movies she has been acting in the Nollywood industry and make a rough estimate of how much did she make from each of the movies.
We have contacted different people and different sources regarding this research, we have checked her IMDB profile and we found out that Ruth Kadiri have acted the total number of 63 movies.
Well that’s a lot
The main problem here is how much did she make from these movies that she has acted??? We can only make a rough estimate because we don’t know the actual amount of how much she made.
On the average the Nigerian movie industry pays actors and actresses anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 per movies depending on the role given to them.
If we are to make a rough estimate 63 movies will be an estimated income of $136,000. Well that’s a lot.
This shows that Ruth Kadiri has achieved a lot in the entertainment industry, but this does determine Ruth Kadiri net worth and this is because she has made a lot from the endorsement deals she get.
So let’s check Ruth Kadiri endorsement deals
Ruth Kadiri endorsement deals
Like said earlier it’s very hard to predict the net worth of many Nigerian celebrities and this is because their means of earning is always hidden to the public unlike business men and politicians
The major means by which Nigerian actresses make money is through the movie they make from the films they act and the money they get from endorsement deals.
Brands in Nigeria pay millions of money in exchange with the growth of their brand and almost all of this millions goes to entertainers in the country,
As for Ruth Kadiri we have contact different sites on the internet and all that we could find is, she has only gotten one endorsement deal in the years of her career.
She bags an endorsement deals with a betting company called “Betty Bingo” and according to an internal source she was given $4,500 for the endorsement deal.
And it totally make sense because Nigeria celebrities earn anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000 per endorsement deal depending on the nature of the brand.
So with the provided information we can be able to predict Ruth Kadiri net worth, so let’s conclude the content by declaring her net worth.
Ruth Kadiri Net worth 2021
Ruth Kadiri net worth in 2021 Is estimated at round $181,000 (N72 million) also she once bag an endorsement deals with a betting company called “Betty Bingo” according to an internal source it was reported that she was given the sum of $4,500 for the contract