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Job Application Letters’ Format(The Best Guide)

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A letter is a written message addressed to a person or organization While a job application letter is a letter where the applicant applies or makes a formal request for a particular job. Remember, application letter presupposes the desire to have a job.

  • You apply for a job in response to adverts either newspaper or oral.
  • You may also write speculative applications to known organizations.

Either way, there is need for Acquaintance with the format.
Basically, the content of every application need not to exceed a page except in a stringent case where “God knows why” it should be two and not more. If two, avoid front and back pages and embrace two front-pages if you have to type. Otherwise, black pen is most preferable, use single spacing for lines and double spacing for paragraphs.
Computer typing is the best and not manual but if it is handwritten, make it as legible as possible.
1a. Your address and (e-mail, fax, telephone number if possible) then date.
b. Name and address of recipient
c. Dear sir/madam
2. Put the heading of the letter and the reference number you have been asked to quote from the advert paper. This tells the prospective employer the post you are applying for and gives him a clew of the content of application letter immediately it is being opened.
3. The body of your application letter should be advisable not more than three paragraphs unless….

  • First paragraph is just the introduction where you shall simply state that you are applying for job (post) quoting where you saw it advertised or how you get to know of it.
  • Second paragraph is used to highlight specific points and draw attention to the attached papers like CV and credentials.
  • Third paragraph is a round off of the application. Say “you are looking forward to hear from whoever you addressed to”, just to be interviewed or you say anything that suggests that you are calling for such turn. (If required, enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with the job title and name of the firm on the reverse and ask for a return).

4. Signing off: If you started with Dear sir/madam, sign off with yours faithfully, If you use the name of the person, for example: Dear Mr Victor or Dear Mrs Grace, sign off with yours sincerely and put your name under signature for the sake of clarity.
READ ALSO: Guide for preparing a winning Curriculum Vitae (CV)

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