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How To Start A Bottled Water Production In Ghana

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The production of bottled water is a big task but once you are familiar with it, it becomes easy along the way.
It is a business that could only be pulled off using great marketing skills because the sales could be tricky, you are going to need to establish good connections with people and then you will have to make a name for yourself to gain recognition, because without recognition you won’t be able to drive sales.
Bottled water production is a very good choice to start, besides the business is easy to sustain and the raw material is free, water.
There is a huge demand for the product in Ghana and it is increasing every year as more metropolitan areas are expanding because they are the main consumers of the product.
With the right tools and proper management one will be able to return investment and make millions in a matter of three to four years.
We will be discussing some of the tools that will enable you to start this business in Ghana.
To begin, you will need to register your business with the
Corporate Affairs Agency as a limited liability company.
Then start processing
your Business registration which will entail adhering to
some strict safety regulations.
They will inspect your
facility, the types of filtration machines you use and other
things to make sure it agrees with the standards.
Hygiene is of high importance in the production of bottled
water, so it must be safe to drink at all costs, which implies
that the water source must be pure ad free of foreign
microbes and not close to any toxic environment like a
dump site or a factory waste site.
Also workers that come in direct contact with the
manufacturing process must exercise a certain level of
hygiene, like wearing apparels to prevent hair from getting
into the water and so on.
They must be trained or have prior
experience on the job before they are being considered for
The location of your facility should not be very far from
town, if it is possible to locate it inside the town it will be
good that is without disrupting any environmental laws like
sound pollution.
The reason why it is so important to be
situated near town is to ease the delivery, and to make the
final product easily available and on time.
When you are
situated far off, it won’t be possible to supply to
supermarkets and other places where your product is sold,
bottled water is often sold out real quickly so you will need
to be near the customer base to be really effective.
There should be at least enough space to set up a bottle
production line that is where the bottles are made and
filled, a borehole site and available space outside the main
building for loading up of delivery trucks.
Three common methods exist for the water treatment to
remove impurities and bacteria.
They consist of the reverse
osmosis, deionization and distillation.
The reverse osmosis
is most common due to its efficiency and low energy costs.
Although depending on your water source, the purification
process varies, for water gotten from a spring the
purification process might not be as elaborate as it would
be from a borehole so as to sustain the taste from the
natural minerals in the water.
The bottles could be made in the same unit where the water
is produced which inevitably means higher start-up cost.
The complete production line consists of PET bottle making
machine, bottle rinser, bottle filler, cap lifter, capping
machine, labelling machine and a packaging machine.
Alternatively you can order the bottles from a bottling
company, you specify and agree on the design you want
and they will produce it and deliver it to you.
All that is left
is the filling of the bottles which there are automated
machines to do that.
It is cheaper but having a complete
production line is more beneficial on the long run.
Delivery and Delivery Trucks
The product when it is finished must be prepared for
delivery to various stores that patronize your product, a van
or two for medium sized production will be enough. You are
going to need employees 4-5 at least that will load up the
delivery truck and deliver it to the various addresses and
off load them there. Wishing you the best of luck in your

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