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Growth And Development

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What Is Growth ?
Growth is a physical Change due to increase in size or number of the cells.
In-urero there are various stages of growth depending on the trimester.
a. First trimester-embryogenesis.
b. Second trimester-organogenesis.
c. Third trimester-rapid growth of cells.
After birth, there are four periods of maximum growth.
1. There is rapid growth during infancy especially between one and two years which decelerates gradually until the age of four years.
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2. After this period there is slow but uniform growth until puberty.
3. There is a rapid growth at puberty.
4. There is deceleration after puberty till maturation.
What Is Development
Development is the change in ability to function. Maturation of organs are necessary for development.
A. Genetic Factor: Growth and Development Is determined by the interplay of hereditary genes. However, it has shown that this can be modified by environment factors.
B. Environment: The environment in which the child lives both before birth, during birth and after birth determines to a large extent the growth and development of the child.
The Growth and Development is assessed using the following parameters:
1. Birth Weight: The average birth weight of male is 3.28kg while that of female is 3.25kg. Birth weight ranges from 2.5kg to 4.6kg.
2. Height: At birth, the length of baby ranges from 45 cm to 55 cm.
3. Fontanelle
4. Teeth Eruptions: There are two types of teeth, the milk teeth also called the deciduous teeth which is smooth and the permanent teeth which is serrated.
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