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How To Start A Bead Making Business In Ghana

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Most people shy away from the idea of starting a business because they believe that in order to start a business, you must have much money.
This fear has stopped many from actualizing their dreams and living up to their full potential.
Truly, there are businesses that require a large amount of money as start-up capital. Such businesses as telecommunications, insurance, oil and gas and so on may even require the owner to acquire loans when starting the business.
But, there are also businesses that do not require too much money for a start.
All you need is a small amount of money coupled with hard work and dedication.
Then you can work your way to success. One of such business is Bead making.
Most people who are into the business of bead making today and are making much money out of it probably ventured into it because of unemployment or because they just had an interest in acquiring the skill.
But today, they have a different story to tell.
Beads have become a trending part of our fashion and lifestyle.
It has become one of the means by which people (especially women) express themselves.
Thereby providing an opportunity for a lot of people to build a successful career in bead making.
One advantage of going into bead making is the fact that you don’t need to have a specific location before you can start the business.
You can start making beads from your home all you need to do is get clients that you will sell to.
You can do this for as long as it takes until you are able to get a suitable location for your business.
There is about 50%-80% profit margin In Bead Making.
Now, consider if you buy these materials in bulk.
How many beads you would make and how much money you would be making.
You should take note of the following if you want to start a business in bead making:
Am I naturally creative ?
Do I have a talent for bead-making ?
Do I have a passion for it ?
These are questions you should ask
yourself before deciding to go into the business of bead-
Even if you have already learnt bead making as a skill,
you still need to be creative on your own in order to make
beautiful designs with your beads.
While passion can take
anyone through anything, it can keep you creating new and
beautiful styles with your beads that will distinguish you and
what you do in the market.
Get The Skill
This will come after you have confirmed that you have a talent/
passion for bead making but have not acquired the skill.
Professionals in bead making have training centers where they
teach people the art of making beads. You can attend one of
such training centers or meet with someone who has the skill
and ask to be trained. Talent alone can not suffice. You need to
acquire the skill as well.
Get Clients
When starting your business, another thing you will need to do
is to source for clients. You can start from your neighborhood
and your church by making sample beads and showing them to
people that you know may be interested. By so doing, you will
get to know their interests in fashion and style, the kind of
beads they like to wear such as wire-works, glass beads and
so on. Then you can make beads to suit their needs.
Expand Your Knowledge
After you have started the business, don’t be contented with the
fact that you have the skill and the creativity alone. Try to know
trending fashions and styles. Know what types and designs of
beads people are wearing currently. Take note of the fact that
the styles and designs of the beads you make can also be
determined by the kind of occasion a person is attending.
Always try to know what occasion your customer is attending
or what they need the bead for so as to know the suitable
design to make for them.

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